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Hands Up #005

Hands Up Page 5

So setting aside the argument of whether or not “planking” was responsible for taking a life a week a go, (and I guess it’s kind of like the argument of whether or not video games spawn high school mass shootings and other random acts of violence), my imaginary basset hound basically thinks that “planking” is a very lame past time.

But that’s just what Marvin thinks. So if you’re planking for a bit of fun and you catch me looking at you all funny, it’s because I made this deal with my imaginary dog. The things people do for shits and giggles!

This page was brought to you by the persistence of my loyal friend and reader, Fee who said I had no excuse not to deliver this week. Last week was my birthday and I had a bit of a change in schedule so the week went by and I just didn’t find the time. Blah blah blah who cares about my issues.

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Fee #

    * WH-KSSH! * (8D

    May 21, 2011
    • Fee #

      Dang you html random misinterpretation DX… it was meant to be ” * WH-KSSH! * (slave whip sound effect) Birthdays only happen once a year you know so next 51 weeks update plz 8D “

      May 21, 2011
      • LOL!

        I’ve sorta set myself a goal to keep this up for 6 months. 6 months = 24 pages which sounds somewhat doable. If I find the time and energy, I’ll go into a second season – which I plan to have more of a plot once I’ve introduced the main characters. Buuuut that’s just speculation. For now they’re just stand alone brain farts. 24 of them.

        May 23, 2011
  2. Once again i must say i am in love with your strips and looking forward to the next instalment!!!

    May 26, 2011
    • Aww, thanks Keaton! Next installment is ready for tomorrow so you won’t have to wait too long. 😉

      May 26, 2011
  3. Jozaaaaay #

    Haha I just realised how perfect Marvin’s expression is in panel #2. It’s a shame his course of action isn’t open to real people. Well, it could be, but it just wouldn’t be as funny… or right.

    May 31, 2011
    • Well, maybe you could do what I did. Make your own sardonic imaginary talking pet and imagine it’s having a go at people’s heads when they’re planking. It actually makes planking funny.

      June 1, 2011

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